Come discover the greatest rescue ever at VBS '18 - Shipwrecked!
This year at VBS, Bayside is transforming to a desert island filled where kid's will discover how Jesus rescues them! Throughout the week, kids will participate in a number of exciting things:
- Memorable Bible-learning activities
- Interactive songs
- Teamwork-building games
- Making and eating awesome treats
- Fun science gizmos to play with all summer!
Throughout the week, kids will look for evidence of God all around them through something called 'God Sightings'. Each day we'll wrap things up with a Sail Away Sendoff that gets everyone involved in living out what they learned.
This year, at Shipwrecked, our kids will also join together in putting together 'SmilePacks' to provide basic needs for children around the world.
Shipwrecked is for kids Pre-School through 5th grade and will be held from 9:30am - 12:00pm each day...and it's all FREE! We look forward to enjoying this special week with you!
Please use the from below to register your children for Shipwrecked, or signup to volunteer. For more information, please email our Bayside Kid's Director, Kimberly Jones, at